Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy and Baby

Today started not so happy for Dassow Mommy as she got another ticket (from the same cop) for holding her cell phone in her hand (not even talking on it), but then we went to a park and Evelynd was playing and saying, "Happy" again.

After lessons, we had dinner with Dassow Daddy and then went on our nightly family walk.  Some of our neighbors were out and Evelynd played with their baby doll for a long time.  She was very funny wagging her finger at it, closing its eyes, walking it in the stroller, and calling it "cute."

1 comment:

  1. That's cute Bethany! (the doll part)... The cop/ticket part, not so cute:( I hope Peter's send-off went well. Please feel free to come over if you want to hang out or need a nap. We're planning on going to the Beat Fest on Saturday if you want to join us- we haven't decided on a time yet. I'm hope early today because Sylvia was coughing all night and I'm here with her. Take care of yourself Dassow Mommy!
