Sunday, September 4, 2011

Labor Day Weekend (So Far)

This weekend has been hot (in the 90's), but our house has stayed remarkably cool (thank you big trees).  We have gotten out a little bit, though.

Friday, we took a long walk in the morning before it got too hot and visited Bryn Lynch.  She had all sorts of presents for Evelynd: a piggy bank, leggings, and some crazy hot pink shoes!  We had a nice visit and her son was very nice to Evelynd.  I got a haircut in the afternoon and then we had a BBQ with the Jippings.  The Jippings filled us with great food and some beautiful hand-me-downs that I look forward to dressing Ev in.  (FYI: I realize that that last sentence ends with a participle, but I hold to the school that does not believe in Latinizing the English language.)

Evelynd took a nap while we ate. 

On Saturday, we got to visit GG'ma and GG'pa in their new digs.  It was a nice visit and we look forward to seeing them again soon (we'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, GG'pa).  Evelynd tried her first banana there.  I used a mesh teething feeder, which is a handy way to feed Ev while we're on the go.  She liked it, so thanks for the tip Samantha.

Evelynd is wearing one of her new Jipping hand-me-down outfits.  Cute.

Then I had to play a wedding at the World Forestry Center, which shares a parking lot with the Portland Zoo and the Portland Children's Museum.  Dassow Daddy and Baby walked around the park while I played.  We had a hard drive home.  Evie was extra tired, but wasn't falling asleep -- just screaming instead.  After two stops, I was finally able to calm her and get her to sleep the rest of the way home. 

Today was funny because Dassow Daddy was going to make his first batch of zucchini bread with some vegetables Katey and Kayla had left for us.  Unfortunately, he used the cucumber instead.  It's not awful and maybe, somehow, there's a great cucumber bread idea brewing in his head now.  Evelynd went to bed early, so I think we'll watch a movie together.  Semi-date night.

I got this walker for her last week and today was the first day she got it to move (she was trying to jump in it at first).
P.S. Red Sox won on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Evelynd! Tell her this please, "You're such a cutie patootie. You are doing so well with all those new and interesting foods. You have a sweet smile. We love you!" (I'm sure you tell her those things all the time, but let her know it's from us:-) Next year, let's make a date for scones at the fair...
