Friday, September 23, 2011

Six Month Checkup

This morning Evelynd had her six month check.  She was all smiles -- at first.  The nurses loved her as they don't often get to deal with smiling kids.
Here are the official stats:
Height: 26 1/2" (75th percentile)
Weight: 18 lbs. 4.5 oz. (85th percentile)
Head Circumference: (90th percentile)

What a big girl we have!  She passed all her development questions with flying colors (one was whether she laughs.  I think I'd be pretty sad if she hadn't been laughing for months now -- it's the best sound in the world).  Dr. Wilson again said, "She's such a great mix of the two of you.  She really is a beautiful baby."  After the doctor left and we were waiting for this month's round of injections, Evie fell asleep.  What an awful way to wake up!  She got two shots in one leg and one in the other.  She went to sleep again once we got home, but then woke up as soon as my first lesson arrived.  Evelynd was pretty happy through Caleb's lesson, but by Lucy's lesson the pain had hit and she cried a lot.  This is how she looked until the Tylenol kicked in:
Poor baby.  Dassow Mommy used her Gymboree rewards to go shopping for some cute new clothes for Evie so at least she can continue looking beautiful even when she hurts.  Okay.  Truth be told: Dassow Mommy needed the retail therapy after the shots.

Before bed, we got some smiles again.  Here's our Hawaiian princess after pain meds today:

Denise Steinbach gave Evelynd the cute dress and the Jippings gave her the socks.  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya. I scheduled Fox's 1 year appointment and made sure it wasn't on his actual birthday cuz I want a happy baby on his birthday! Shots are the worst. For babies AND parents.
