Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Party Must Go On

The birthday celebrations was supposed to continue today with a trip to Salem Saturday Market with the Jippings.  For various reasons, the Jippings did not make it, but we decided to go anyway.  We got Evelynd dressed in her overalls to fit in with the farmers, but since it was a little cool, I put her in one of my baby sweaters.  The size is 12 months, but it barely fit over Evie's ginormous head!

At the market, there were the most amazing flower arrangements for $5-$10, a bunch of fresh produce, and other cool things that I cannot discuss now because they may involve presents for some of our dear readers and we wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.

Carriage rides for $3.

It was a good trip to the market and Ev was very popular.  Afterwards, she took a nap while we ran some errands and then dropped by the Jippings.  They had a surprise present for Evelynd: a Snow White tea seat!  The girls started playing with it and Evelynd ate her sweater.  We then decided to go out for Korean BBQ.  It was closed.  So we then picked a Teriyaki restaurant owned by my Korean students.  It was closed.  What?!  It's Saturday night!  I don't know what it is about making plans with the Jippings, but it all too often ends up this way.  We have an ongoing joke about seeing movies in 2D because every time we've tried to see one in 3D (Avatar, Alice in Wonderland), it hasn't quite worked out.  Anyway, our third choice was open and we had some Love Love Teriyaki.  This is how Evelynd looked:
We ended the night with some froyo at LimeBerry where Thalia and Sylvia were making friends by touching a stranger's hair.
At home, Evelynd got to play in her walker.  At one point when I said "Bear," she repeated it.  She's starting to get better at mimicking sounds.  She had sweet potatoes and put herself to bed at 8 again.  I like that girl.  

1 comment:

  1. That little yellow sweater was actually a dress that you wore at 3 months. Evelynd is SO BEAUTIFUL!
