Monday, September 5, 2011

Oregon State Fair 2011

Today we took Evelynd to her first Oregon State Fair.  As my mother sang every year:
Our State Fair is a great state fair
don’t miss it
don’t even be late
It’s dollars to doughnuts at our state fair
It’s the best state fair in the state
– Rodgers and Hammerstein

Today was the last day and it was HOT, but I'm glad we went.  We saw the crafts, animals, and the booths with all the crazy products and new inventions and then wiggled in the shade of the garden area.  That was the extent of our fair activities this year.

High tech fair now.  (I don't have a smart phone, though, so this was no help to me.)
This horse was HUGE!  It barely fit in its stall.
There's always a mom and her piglets (these were almost a month old).
After hours walking around (and the heat) someone was tired and someone else took a nap.
Evelynd liked the animals.

Goodbye State Fair!  I'm sure we'll be back.
When we got back, Dassow Daddy played with Evie while I taught a lesson.  I heard a lot of giggles coming from above me.  Daddy also got some videos of Evelynd, so here are two of them.

1 comment:

  1. Evelynd has been so many places and seen so many things in her short life so far! What a lucky girl :)
