Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Today was Evie's first Halloween, so I took the day off from teaching.  Hooray!  I was so excited to rest...and then Evelynd woke up, ready to go, at 5 this morning.  So tired!  Luckily, a little after 7, I had Dassow Daddy take over and he got her to sleep for a little over an hour so I could nap.  I got Evie dressed in the base for her costume and we went for a long walk wearing one of Dassow Mommy's old hats.
During her afternoon nap, I got set up for the trick-or-treaters and made some cookies (they're not pretty, but they taste good).

Evelynd has liked ringing the bells on this wreath.
Our beautiful carvings.
Dassow Mommy's "B" pumpkin
Evie's "E" pumpkin (I gave it a tooth even though she doesn't have one yet).
Dassow Daddy's "P" pumpkin
The ghost lights around our lamppost.
There were ghosts lining the driveway up to our front porch.
Poor Samson.  We lost his tough pirate costume, so he got stuck with whatever Petsmart had on clearance.  He looks cute, though.
We left the cauldron of candy out front while we took Ev to visit some neighbors.
Our little Peppermint Candy was pretty mellow as we stopped at six friends' homes in the neighborhood, but by the time we got home, she was excited.

She liked petting Sam in his costume
We finished the night with Evie's dinner of pumpkin (of course) and pea puree.  Good first Halloween.


  1. Happy 1st Halloween Evelynd! You are the cutest peppermint I've ever seen!

  2. She's the cutest peppermint I've ever seen! It looks like your trip to Seattle was fun. Hope your week is going well- glad it's Friday! Would you be interested in a Christmas shopping excursion next weekend? Just the girls and some lunch?
